


Associate Professor of Political Science
电子邮件: rseyb@thestudioentrance.com



  • Ph.D. Yale University, 1988 (Political Science)
  • M.菲尔。. Yale University, 1984 (Political Science)
  • M.A. Yale University, 1983 (Political Science)
  • B.A. University of California, Irvine, 1982 (Political Science 和 Psychology)

罗纳德·P. Seyb is a Professor in Government at 火博体育大学 in 萨拉托加温泉市, 纽约. 他得了B.A. in 1982 from the University of California, Irvine 和 他的Ph值.D. 1988年从耶鲁大学毕业. He teaches courses on the American presidency, the United States Congress, political psychology, 和 the media 和 politics. 他的 research interests include presidential management of the executive branch, political 演讲学和媒体史. 他在……上发表过文章 Journalism 他的tory, American Journalism, 媒体历史专著, Presidential Studies Quarterly, The Journal of Policy 他的tory, 加州政治与政策.


火博体育大学: Jon Ramsey Honors Forum Lecturer, 2012

拉尔夫一. Ciancio Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2005

Faculty Speaker at Commencement, 1991

Yale University: John Enders Assistance Grant, 1987

University of California, Irvine: Summa Cum Laude, 1982


"What Walter Saw:  "Walter Lippmann, The 纽约 World, 和 Scientific Advocacy as an Alternative to the 新闻-Opinion Dichotomy," Journalism 他的tory 41(2) (Summer 2015)

"Trouble with the Statistical Curve:  Walter Lippmann's Blending of 他的tory 和 Social Science during Franklin Roosevelt's First Term," American Journalism 32(2) (Spring 2015)

"When Objectivity Works: David Halberstam's Vietnam Reporting," 媒体历史专著 15(1)(2012-13)

"Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Getting 和 Keeping a Job at a Private Liberal Arts College, But your Graduate Advisor Didn't Tell You" (co-authored with Michelle Donaldson Deardorff, Marianne Githens, Glen Halva-Neubauer, William Hudson, 和 Grant Reeher), PS: Political Science & 政治34(4)(2001年12月)

"Reform as Affirmation: Jimmy Carter's Executive Branch Reorganization Effort," Presidential Studies Quarterly 31(1) (March 2001)

"It's Ideas that Matter: Pat Brown Reorganizes California's Executive Branch," California Politics 和 Policy (1997 Special Issue, "The California of the Pat Brown Years: Creative Building for the 'Golden State's' Future")

"Ronald Reagan's Administrative Presidency: 成本, Contradictions, 和 the Future of Administrative Action," in Eric J. Schmertz, Natalie Datlof, 和 Alexej Ugrinsky (eds.), Ronald Reagan's America (Westport, 连接icut: Greenwood Press, 1997)

"The Death 和 Rebirth of Reorganization Planning: Symbolic Action, Divided Government, 和 Orthodox Administrative Theory's Enduring Appeal," Presidential Studies Quarterly 24(4)(1994年秋季)

"Nixon's Administrative Presidency Revisited: Aberration or Watershed?,《火博体育官网》 政策历史4(3)(1992)


蒂莫西·M. 戴尔和约瑟夫·J. Foy (eds.), Homer Simpson Marches on Washington in Choice 47(12)(2010年8月)

Review of Peter deLeon, Thinking about Political Corruption, 和 Robert Maranto, Politics 和 Bureaucracy in the Modern Presidency in The Annals of the American Academy of Political 和 Social Science 541 (September 1995)


《火博体育官网》或《摔角记? The Role of 领导 Skills in the Presidency" (与Richard Barberio合著)
Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Northeast Political Science Association, 2001年11月,宾夕法尼亚州费城

"Jimmy Carter 和 the Transition to the Administrative Presidency"
Paper Presented at the Jimmy Carter Library 和 Presidential Center's Conference on "The Carter Presidency: Policy Choices in the Post New Deal Era," February, 1997, 亚特兰大,乔治亚州

"It's Ideas that Matter: Pat Brown Reorganizes California's Executive Branch"
Paper Presented at the "Pat" Brown Institute's "California Issues Conference 1996," November 1996, California State University, Los Angeles

"Ronald Reagan's Administrative Presidency: 成本, Contradictions, 和 the Future 行政行为"
Paper Presented at the Ninth Presidential Conference, April 1993, Hofstra University, 亨普斯特德,纽约

Discussant for the panel "Parties 和 Politics" at the Annual Meeting of the New Engl和 Political Science Association, April 1993, Northampton, Massachusetts

"Regulatory Review 和 Ronald Reagan's Administrative Presidency"
Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, 1993年3月,加州帕萨迪纳

"It's Ideas that Matter: Pat Brown Reorganizes California's Executive Branch"
Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, 1991年3月,华盛顿州西雅图

"Nixon's Administrative Presidency Revisited: Aberration or Watershed?"
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, September 1990, San Francisco, California

"Ever Since Brownlow: Orthodox Administrative Theory 和 the Perils of Reorganization"
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the 纽约 State Political Science Association, 1990年4月,纽约州奥尔巴尼