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First-Year Experience

Scribner Seminar Program
Seminar Titles 2007-08

Below is an alphabetical listing of the 斯克里布纳尔出版社研讨会 offered in Fall 2007.  描述 of the seminars are linked to the titles, and the number to the left is the section number of the course; during registration, these numbers distinguish each seminar within the SSP 100 class listing.


(001) Africa Changing Cinema
Time: T/TH 12:40-2:00 & T 7:00 - 9:00
Instructor: Hedi Jaouad

(002) 后的生活
Time: W/F 8:40-10:00 & T 5:30-6:30
Instructor: Regina Janes

(003) Ancient Genes/Land of Plenty
Time: M/W 2:30-4:20
Instructor: Paul Arciero

(004) 电影中的黑人
Time: T/TH 3:40-5:30
Instructor: Kristie Ford

(005) 电影中的黑人
Time: T/TH 3:40-5:30
Instructor: Joshua C. Woodfork

(006) The Broadway Musical
Time: T/TH 8:10-9:30 & M 8:00-8:55
Instructor: Charles M. 约瑟夫

(007) 设计思维
时间:MW 2:30-4:20
Instructor: Flip Phillips

(008) 数字安全
Time: W/F 12:20-1:40 & M 12:20-1:15
Instructor: Gove Effinger

(009) Environmental Problems
Time: T/TH 12:40-2:00 & TH 5:30-6:30
Instructor: Monica Das

(010) 睁大眼睛
Time: W/F 10:10-11:30 & M 11:15-12:10
Instructor: Janet Sorensen

(011) 食物与社会
Time: T/TH 2:10-3:30 & W 5:30-7:00
Instructor: Una Bray

(012) 好莱坞的科学
Time: W/F 12:20-2:10
Instructor: Kyle Nichols

(013) 人类的困境
Time: M/W 2:30-3:50 & M 1:25-2:20
Instructor: Kate Berheide

(014) 人类的困境
Time: W/F 12:20-1:40 & M 1:25-2:20
Instructor: Janet Casey

(015) 人类的困境
Time: T / TH 11:10-12:30 & M 1:25-2:20
Instructor: Beth Gershuny

(016) 人类的困境
Time: W/F 10:10-11:30 & M 1:25-2:20
Instructor: Sarah Goodwin

(017) 人类的困境s
Time: T / TH 11:10-12:30 & M 1:25-2:20
Instructor: Susan Layden

(018) 人类的困境
Time: T/TH 9:40-11:00 & M 1:25-2:20
Instructor: Peter McCarthy

(019) 人类的困境
Time: T/TH 12:40-2:00 & M 1:25-2:20
Instructor: Terry Diggory

(020) 人类的困境
Time: T/TH 2:10-3:30 & M 1:25-2:20
Instructors: Patricia Rubio & 穆里尔Poston

(021) 人类的困境
Time: T/TH 3:40-5:00 & M 1:25-2:20
Instructor: Sheldon Solomon

(022) Ireland: Myth, Reality
Time: M/W 2:30-3:50 & TH 7:00-8:00
Instructor: James Kennelly

(023) Italy, Fascism, Jews
Time: T/TH 9:40-11:00 & W 5:30-6:30
Instructor: Shirley Smith

(024) 日本动画
Time: T/TH 3:40-5:00 & W 4:00-6:00
Instructor: Masako Inamoto
(025) Jewish-Christian Relations
Time: M/W 2:30-4:20
Instructor: Matthew Hockenos

(026) 卡巴拉 & 当代文化
Time: T/TH 3:40-5:00 & TH 7:00-8:00
Instructor: Marla Segol

(027) 杀戮之国
Time: M/W 2:30-4:20
Instructor: Beau Breslin

(028) 拉丁Amer. 图像/现实
Time: T/TH 2:10-3:30 & M 1:25-2:20
Instructor: Aldo Vacs

(029) 法律、宗教 & 社会
Time: T/TH 9:40-11:00 & M 9:05-10:00
Instructor: Christine Kopec

(030) Life in the North Woods
Time: W/F 12:20-2:10
Instructor: Joshua Ness

(031) Made in God's Image
Time: T/TH 2:10-3:30
Instructor: Penny Jolly

(032) Medieval Technology
Time: W/F 12:20-2:10
Instructor: Erica Bastress-Dukehart

(033) 金钱与价值
T ime: W/F 12:20-1:40 & W 5:30-6:30
Instructor: Susan Belden

(034) Movers and Shakers
Time: T/TH 9:40-11:00 & M 12:20-1:15
Instructor: Margo Mensing

(035) Movers and Shakers
Time: T/TH 9:40-11:00 & M 12:20-1:15
Instructor: Debra Fernandez

(036) 神话观念
T / TH 11:10-12:30
Instructor: Dan Curley

(037) Non-Euclidean Revolution
Time: W/F 10:10-11:30 & M 11:15-12:10
Instructor: Mark Huibregtse

(038) 没有什么做
Time: W/F 8:40-10:00 & M 9:05-10:00
Instructor: Grace Burton

(039) 核遗产
T ime: W/F 8:40-10:00 & M 9:05-10:00
Instructor: William Standish

(040) Remaking the Hudson
Time:MWF 9:05-10:00 & TH 5:30-6:30
Instructor: Rik Scarce

(041) Science Sound Bites
Time: Tu/Th 9:10-11:00
Instructor: Shannon Stitzel

(042) 自我 & 欲望
Time: T/TH 12:40-2:00
Instructor: Reg Lilly

(043) Shakespeare was Jewish?
Time: M/W 2:30-4:20
Instructor: Lary Opitz

(044) Thinking for Yourself
Time: T/TH 9:40-11:00
Instructor: Robert Boyers

(045) Waging War, Making Peace
Time: T / TH 11:10-12:30 & T 5:30-6:30
Instructor: Roy Ginsberg

(046) Who Governs 萨拉托加温泉市?
Time: W/F 12:20-1:40
Instructor: Bob Turner

(047) 写美国
Time: T/TH 9:10-11:00
Instructor: Linda Hall




The Music Between Us
Instructor: Gordon Thompson

Liquid History: The River Thames
Instructor: Tom Lewis