


B.A., University of Kentucky
M.A. 和Ph值.D., University of Michigan

办公室: Palamountain 307
电话: (518) 580-5158
电子邮件: abozio@thestudioentrance.com


Teaching 和 Research Interests:

  •  Early Modern 英语 Literature 和 Culture
  •  Literary 和 Cultural Theory



  •  Thinking Through Place on the Early Modern 英语 Stage (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020)

文章: ·

  • “New Worlds, Old Plots: Atlantic Conquest 和 the Revised Every Man in His Humor,” in Reprints 和 Revivals of Renaissance Drama, ed. Harry Newman 和 Eoin Price (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2024)
  • “Shakespeare’s Sharp White Backgrounds” in Shakespeare/Space: Contemporary Readings in Spatiality, Culture 和 Drama, ed. Isabel Karremann (London: Bloomsbury/Arden Shakespeare Intersections, forthcoming 2024)
  • “‘Whiteness as Property’ in 皆大欢喜,” in “Shakespeare’s Other ‘Race Plays,’” ed. David Sterling Brown, Patricia Akhimie, 和亚瑟·L. 小的时候,小.,特刊; 莎士比亚的研究 50 (2022): 24-32
  • “Timur the Lame: Marlowe, Disability, 和 Form,” 现代语言学 119.3 (February 2022): 354-376
  • “The Contemplative Cosmos: John Lyly's 恩底弥翁 和 the Shape of Early Modern Space,” 语言学研究 113.1 (Winter 2016): 55-81
  • “Embodied Thought 和 the Perception of Place in 李尔王,” SEL Studies in 英语 Literature 1500-1900 55.2 (Spring 2015): 263-284


  • 吉纳维芙的爱, Early Modern Theatre 和 the Figure of Disability (London: Bloomsbury, 2018), Shakespeare Quarterly 71.3-4 (Fall-Winter 2020): 258-260
  • 乔纳森•沃克 Site Unscene: The Offstage in 英语 Renaissance Drama (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2017), 剧院的调查 60.2(2019年5月):293-295
  • 苏珊•哈伦 Memories of War in Early Modern Engl和: Armor 和 Militant Nostalgia in Marlowe, Sidney, 和 Shakespeare (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), 早期现代文化 13 (2018)
  • Embodied Cognition 和 Shakespeare's Theatre: The Early Modern Body-Mind, eds. Laurie Johnson, John Sutton, 和 Evelyn Tribble (New York: Routledge, 2014) 和 Affective Performance 和 Cognitive Science: Body, Brian 和 Being, ed. Nicola Shaughnessy (New York: Bloomsbury, 2013), 剧院的调查 57.1 (January 2016), 132-135


  • “Marlowe at the Limits of the Human.” The Marlowe Society of America. 2018年7月13日.

Selected Honors 和 Awards:

  • ACMRS RaceB4Race Second Book Institute, 2022
  • W.M. Keck Foundation Short-Term Fellowship, Henry E. Huntington Library, 2020-2021
  • Mellon Summer Institute in 英语 Paleography, Folger Shakespeare Library, 2019
  • Faculty Development Grant, 火博体育大学, 2017 和 2018
  • Faculty Research Initiative Grant, 火博体育大学, 2015
  • Honorable Mention, ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award, 2014


  • EN 105: The Color of Justice
  • EN 110: Introduction to Literary Studies
  • EN 210: Literary 和 Cultural Theory
  • EN 225: Introduction to Shakespeare
  • EN 229W: Beyond Shakespeare
  • EN 229W: Ovid 和 the 英语 Renaissance
  • EN 229W: Racial Capitalism on the Early Modern 英语 Stage
  • EN 343R:伊丽莎白时代 & 詹姆斯一世的戏剧
  • EN 361: Theories of Literary Criticism
  • EN 362P: Shakespeare 和 Embodiment
  • EN 362R: The Transatlantic Renaissance
  • EN 364P: The Uses of Literature
  • EN 375: Marlowe 和 the Politics of Form
  • SSP 100: The Color of Justice
  • SSP 100: Shakespeare’s Ecologies