

丽贝卡Krefting, who goes by Beck, is Professor of American Studies—affiliate 教师 to Gender Studies, Black Studies, Intergroup Relations, and Media and Film Studies—and Director of the Center for 领导, Teaching, and Learning. 她获得了文学学士学位 英语 and Psychology at the University of Alabama, Huntsville and an MA in Women’s Studies at Ohio State University (OSU). She completed her doctorate in American Studies at the University of Maryland, College Park (UMD). Her research specializations are feminist comedy 研究; 研究 of visual and popular culture; histories and historiographies of stand-up comedy; preppers and post-apocalyptic cultural texts; and pedagogical 研究.

她的专著题为: All Joking Aside: American Humor and Its Discontents (Johns Hopkins UP, 2014) charts the history and economy of charged humor or humor 旨在实现社会公正. Earlier publications include essays in the edited anthology 笑柄 (Parlor Press, 2012) and a co-authored chapter on feminist architectural education 发表在 Feminist Practices: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Women in Architecture 阿什盖特出版有限公司., 2011). Lately she has been publishing her work in journals 就像 Comedy Studies Journal, Studies in American Humor, Contemporary Political Theory, Journal of Cinema 及传媒研究 as well as contributing to edited collections such as: 歇斯底里的!:美国喜剧中的女性 (University of Texas Press, 2017), Transgressive Humor of American Women Writers(Palgrave Macmillan, 2018), and The Joke’s On Us: Political Comedy Encounters Neoliberalism (列克星敦出版社,2018) Ethics in Comedy: Essays on Crossing the Line (麦克法兰公司., 2020年)及 Taking a Stand: American Stand-up Comedians as Public Intellectuals (University of Mississippi Press, 2021). Other chapters can be found in the following 即将到来的集合: Cambridge Companion to Stand-up Comedy (Cambridge University Press), The Oxford Handbook of Screen Comedy (Oxford University Press), and Punching Up in Stand-Up Comedy: Speaking Truth to Power (劳特利奇).

She has presented her research nationally and internationally and been invited to speak about her research—as a former stand-up comic, she can’t help but do so humorously—to comedy symposiums at the University of South Carolina and in Hannover and Munich, Germany as well as  many academic institutions including Aarhus University in Denmark, Dresden University of Technology, UCLA, Hampshire College, Drexel University, Concordia University, Young Harris College, Columbia College, St. 诺伯特学院, 你懂的. She gets her jollies talking with smart people who 就像 to think 喜剧批判.

Subscribing to the credo that teaching and research are symbiotic, Beck teaches courses fueled by her own scholarship 就像: Disorderly Women; A Humorous (Dis)Course; Black Feminist Thoughts, Post-Apocalyptic Film and Literature, and The Funny Thing 火博体育 历史. Other course topics include: American foodways, human philosophical dilemmas, contemporary American cultures, critical whiteness, and diversity in the United States. She was recognized for excellence in teaching at OSU when she was nominated for a graduate teaching award in 2004 and again at UMD when the Center for Teaching Excellence named her a Graduate Teaching Fellow (2009-10). 她收到了Ralph A. Ciancio Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2020. Skidmore seniors (Class of 2013) invited Beck to be their 教师 commencement speaker w在这里 she went off-script and talked 火博体育耶路撒冷的屁.

Her work is transdisciplinary and 就像wise she has taught in many disciplines including Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies, American Studies, African American Studies, 及传媒研究.

If you just cannot get enough of this lady, you can check out her website 在这里 w在这里 you will find editorials, links to her scholarship, course descriptions and 信息等.

电子邮件贝克: rkreftin@thestudioentrance.com
在推特上关注Beck: @beckrefting